Posts in Astrology
Sex Magic

You may be thinking, “what the hippie heck is sex magic?” Simply put, sex magic is a way of harnessing mindfulness through intention setting during orgasms. This means that when you’re pleasuring yourself or having intimate, connected sex with a partner, you meditate on goals that you wish to attain while climaxing. This could be a new job, an intention to cultivate more self esteem, a dream of where you want your life to go, or even what a partnership could feel like— imagining being fully held, nurtured and seen in the eyes of another.

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Holiday Self Care

This special feature covers ways to explore self care and sex itself during the upcoming holiday season. We hope to remind you how important it is to love yourself and spend time around people who support and love you. We want to empower you to pick and choose how you want to engage with yourself and others during this time of year.

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