Sex Magic

Author: Lisa Stardust

Illustrated by Michelle Alfonso


You may be thinking, “what the hippie heck is sex magic?”

Simply put, sex magic is a way of harnessing mindfulness through intention setting during orgasms. This means that when you’re pleasuring yourself or having intimate, connected sex with a partner, you meditate on goals that you wish to attain while climaxing. This could be a new job, an intention to cultivate more self-esteem, a dream of where you want your life to go, or even what a partnership could feel like— imagining being fully held, nurtured and seen in the eyes of another. 

Manifest through Masturbation

As Liz Goldwyn, Founder of The Sex Ed puts it

“masturbation is literally “self love” and the cornerstone of tapping into your sexual force. You can even use it to manifest your desires, just as you would wish upon a star or light a candle on an altar—the power of your own orgasm plus intention is POWERFUL.”

Ashley Manta, sex educator, relationship coach and creator of Activating Your Cosmic Pussy: A Six Week Sex Magick Intensive, defines sex magic as “pleasure fueled alchemy.” She says that,

“through solo practice, sex magic has allowed me to fast track my personal growth and professional success. I have become my favorite lover, something I never thought I'd be able to say. I've learned how to use my energy to access extraordinary pleasure. I've shed my shame about my fantasies and I've come into a deeply loving relationship with my body.”

According to ancient and modern occultists, we are at our highest energetic level when we are climaxing. Therefore, it’s a great time to do necessary intention setting. The odds of your visions becoming real are heightened through this magical act. Occultists also recommend using your orgasms as a part of divination. If you’ve cleared your head and body, then it makes it easier for one to pull tarot cards and to get into the zone of aligning with the rhythms and harmonies of the universe. 

Letting your orgasms lead the way to your dreams takes a lot of mindfulness and energy, but it’s worth it. Your visions will come to life shortly after.

New Moons, First Quarter Moons, Full Moons, and Last Quarter Moons are a great time to harness your orgasms to help manifest your visions. Using the lunar phases of the Moon is extremely important in manifestation. The Moon is a very potent power source of all energy. It can bring intentions to life and help them become attainable faster.  

During a New Moon or Dark Moon,
you can set the intention on bringing something fresh into your life. This luminary serves as a wonderful moment to bring newness in. Think of the New Moon as a fresh slate, in which one can bring their dreams to life.

The First Quarter Moon requires us to look at any roadblocks that are standing in our ways. If you have a stumbling block that needs to be taken down or out of the way, this luminary is the best time to manifest that. 

When the Moon is Full, you can use your orgasms to help rid yourself of a bad habit, relationship, gain clarity on a matter, and heal. Full Moons bring sexual arousal, which is why this lunar phase may be easier to climax to. 

The Third Quarter Moon is a time of letting go and shedding (so to speak). This is a time of releasing the old and thinking about what new energy to want to bring in. 


To practice some 101 sex magic, follow these simple rules:

  1. Set the mood. Make your room feel more romantic. Play sensual music. Light candles. 

  2. Set an intention for what you want to manifest. You can write it down on a piece of paper, paint or draw it, even say it aloud. This is what you want to manifest. Meditate on it for a while. Be clear, concise, and honest with what you want to bring into or release from your life. See it clearly in your mind as though it's already happening. 

  3. Start Solo! Tap into your own sexual energy and magic. This means get comfortable with your masturbation practice! You can use a vibrator or dildo that’s made of crystal if you like (many people choose rose quartz for healing, love, and confidence) but please make sure you are practicing good Sex Toy Safety and Care. You don’t have to use a crystal vibrator or dildo, you can also use your hands, a showerhead, any sex toy, or even the power of your imagination.

  4. Call in any guides, ancestors (this may be the only time you think of your grandmother while getting off!) to be your support system as you concentrate on what you are desiring.

  5. Concentrate on your intention while you start to pleasure yourself. Dedicate all of the energy of your solo sex experience to that specific goal. 

  6. As you orgasm, think of your intention. Your goals will be embedded in your subconscious and conscious mind, as you climax, releasing a powerful “sex prayer” with the force of your own orgasm.

 * A note on partnered sex magic — as Ashley Manta puts it,

“I would refrain if your partner isn't consenting. Consent is crucial for this. It's unethical to be doing partnered sex magic without your partner's assent. Otherwise, whenever you feel called to explore sex magic, go for it! Just remember to respect the free will of others and to align your intentions with love and the highest good of all.”

If you’re having consensual and safe sex with a partner, look into their eyes. Be open with them. Let the intentions you both have be known. The two of you are magically powerful as a unit.

Remember, you are always your most powerful sex partner! 

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